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 | 1941 Zollinger Family Reunion Logan, Utah |
8 Feb 2025 |
 | Jacob Zollinger |
20 Jan 2025 |
 | Jacob Zollinger |
20 Jan 2025 |
 | Unknown Hepworth Family - Oxford, Idaho This is a photocopy we received with a copy of the following letter. Unfortunately, we do no know who wrote this letter either!
“I was given this photocopy by ward member Curtis Allen. His wife is from Oxford. He loves doing research and found this for me. I do not know for certain who the people are in this picture, but here is my educated guess based on information in the book "Family History of Joseph Hepworth and Mary Ann Green:" page 18 and 19.
"They (Joseph Hepworth and Mary Ann Green) arrived in New York Harbor on 20 September 1873 and they traveled by train across the plains to Ogden, Utah. Joseph's brother Edmund met them with a wagon and team and they traveled to Oxford, Idaho. The entire trip from England to Oxford. Joseph and Mary Ann with their two sons, Joseph Edmund and Thomas stayed in Idaho for about a year and a half. The next move was to Salt Lake City, Utah by train. "
I looked up Jospeh's brother, Edmund Hepworth KW64-KCG. In the memories section there are several written histories. I read from "Edmund Hepworth, information taken from a book "History of Edmund Hepworth" by Jay L. Hepworth.
"in the summer of 1864 they (Edmund and Hanna) moved to Oxford, Idaho. Hanna and Edmund were blessed 4 children while living in Oxford. They lived in Oxford 12 years."
So my guess is that the people in the picture are Edmund Hepworth, His wife Hanna, Children, Joseph Edmund KVP1-C32, William Henry KWCG-FH4, Hanna Eliza KWC5-N1Z and LaurettaKWCD-P4P.”> |
6 Jan 2025 |
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 | LuDene Jensen Speth - Daughters of Utah Pioneers Application for acceptance into Daughters of Utah Pioneers |
8 Feb 2025 |
 | William Pilkington writes letter about Martin Harris Handwritten and signed letter, dated 28 Feb. 1930, and addressed to Vern C. Poulter, an LDS missionary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Pilkington relates meeting Martin Harris in Smithfield and recalls Harris' testimony of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon.
Smithfield, February 28, 1930
My Dear Brother Poulter:
I received your kind and welcome letter all right, and was more than pleased to hear from you. It always gives me great joy to have the privilege of talking of my acquaintance with Martin Harris, one of the Three Witnesses to the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. I have spoken in a number of wards in Cache Valley lately, in part it is as follows:
This is to certify that I, William Pilkington, was born in Bolton, Lancashire, England on the 13th day of November 1860, and immigrated to Smithfield, Utah with my parents in the latter part of September 1874, when 13 years of age. I was soon hired out to work for a man named Martin Harris, Jr., who was living in Smithfield, Utah. I soon found out that Martin Harris, Sr., one of the Three Witnesses of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, was living in the same house with his wife and family. Thus, it became my good fortune to behold and have the privilege of conversing with this man who had been favored of God, to the extent of being privileged to be chosen as one of the three men that stood in the presence of an angel of God, who held in his hands the golden plates that Joseph Smith received from the angel Moroni, which contained the contents of what is now called the Book of Mormon of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I took great pleasure in listening to him relate the part he took in the early rise of the Church, how he stood in the presence of the angel of the Lord, and after the angel ascended into heaven, he saw the heavens open and heard the voice of God declare that everything was correct that the angel had told them, and that the Book of Mormon was translated correctly.
I lived with him nearly one year prior to his death, which took place in Clarkston, Cache County, Utah on the 10th day of July, 1875, at 92 years of age.
I testify to the world that I held up his right arm while he bore his dying testimony that he with the Prophet Joseph Smith did stand in the presence of an angel of God, while he held the gold plates in his hands and turned the leaves over one by one, and that he saw the engravings on the plates. He also saw the Urim and Thummim, the breast plate and the sword of Laban. And after the angel ascended into heaven, the heavens were opened and he heard the voice of God declare that all that the angel had told him was verily true and that the Book of Mormon which contains the everlasting gospel was translated correctly. While I held his right arm up, he also bore his testimony to the whole world and I thought he could see the whole world. He died the next day, the 10th day of July, 1875.
I wish I was with you to talk to the people face to face, as I can only give you a little in this letter of what he told me pertaining to the early rise of the Church as I talked to him hundreds of times and he would always tell me that he wanted me to tell the people what he had told me after he was dead. He would raise his right hand up and tell me he was telling me the truth.
I have a powerful testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If I had a voice strong enough and could stand on a hill high enough, I would like to bear my testimony to the whole world, because I know by the spirit of God that that man told me the truth. I went to his funeral and helped to fill in the grave.
I think I know more about Martin Harris than any living person, as I am the only one of the old stock that is alive today. I had the privilege of preaching the funeral sermon over the last of the old Harris stock about six weeks ago. This was the last Harris that knew anything about Grandpa Harris, and the older I get the more the spirit whispers to my spirit and prompts me to tell the people what that man of God told me.
Brother Poulter, you are at liberty to use this letter anywhere you want to, any place, to get it before the people, and if anyone wishes any more information, I will only be too pleased to give it to them.
I received a nice letter from a lady missionary who is laboring in the state of New York, asking for the same information that I am sending to you. I accordingly wrote her a nice letter, which I am satisfied she will appreciate and perchance be a help to her.
Now Brother Poulter, I will stop my rambling remarks by asking the Lord to bless you and all that are laboring for the spreading of truth and righteousness, and hope that you will be rewarded by bringing in many honest-hearted people to the fold of Christ.
Your brother in the gospel of Christ, William Pilkington, Smithfield, Utah.
https://atom.lib.byu.edu/mmc/743/ |
8 Feb 2025 |
 | Grandma Frank's House Written by granddaughter Nena Rey Hawkes - April 11, 1998 |
8 Feb 2025 |
 | James Astle - Christening Record "James Spurious Son of Ann Astle, Spinster & William Harrison, a married man. Privately baptized August 5th."
There is confusion on James having a middle name. The correct transcription of this record is spurious (not Spannons) indicating he was illegitimate. Please note the example highlighted record on the left of the record that also shows "spurious". |
5 Jan 2025 |
 | Astra Viola Frank - Estate Inventory |
5 Jan 2025 |
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 | 2002 Zollinger Family Reunion
The 2002 Zollinger Family Reunion held in River Heights, Utah. |
19 Jan 2025 |
 | Jacob Zollinger - His Life and Legacy
Produced by Clinton D. Zollinger
Script and Editing by Thelissa J. Zollinger
Gary L. Zollinger
Chris Fletcher (as Jacob Zollinger)
Edited by Paul Kett |
19 Jan 2025 |