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 | 12 Oct 1894 | New Elders Arriving | Southern States Mission Standing L to R: Axel Nielsen, Aaron Hardy Jr, Angus Keep Nicholson, Henry Magnus Bohne, William Henry Kennington, Robert John Bischoff, Charles John Stevens, John Francis Astle
Sitting L to R: William Warren Beckstead, Elias Smith Kimball, Brigham Wright
Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, United States
Date: 12 Oct 1894
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 | 1871 England Census James Hepworth is listed as living with his aunt Martha (Hirst) Coop. His age, birth place, occupation, marital status, and relationship to the "head of household" confirms this is James Hepworth born 1849 to Joseph and Mary Hirst Hepworth.
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 | 1896 Logan Tabernacle Choir Wilhelm Anderson Frank (No. 56) and either Victor or Valdemar (No. 80)
1896 Logan Tabernacle Choir
Owner of original: Gordon Eugene Frank
Date: 1896
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 | 1902 S.S. New England Passenger List Passenger list showing John's return from his England Mission (1900-1902).
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 | 1941 Zollinger Family Reunion Logan, Utah
Date: Jul 1941
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 | 2002 Zollinger Family Reunion
The 2002 Zollinger Family Reunion held in River Heights, Utah.
Date: 2002
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 | 4 Generations Left to right: Anna Cajsa Andersson Frank, Hulda Carolina Frank Christensen Howell, Ruth Fullmer, and Lillian Christensen Fullmer (Ruth is Lillian's daughter). It was taken about 1913 or 1914, just a year or two before Anna Cajsa Andersson Frank died.
Photograph obtained from Marie Thatcher. If you have or know who has the original photograph, please let us know.
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 | 50th Year Class Reunion - Class of 1930 South Cache High School
Left to Right
Front Row: Libbie Baxter, Olive Kidman, Beulah Smith Balling, Gertrude Jensen, Wilma Yeates, Lois Jessop, Dorthea Lavon Ahrens, Susannah Stuart, Verda Obray, Clara Mae Wilson, Eldrid Larson (standing)
2nd Row: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Zella Summers Howells, Elizabeth Rock Anderson, Margaret Hall, Matilda Poulsen, Gertrude Tams Obray, ?, ?, ?
3rd Row: Cantril "Flash" Nielsen, ?, Lavern Petersen, Henry Howells, ?, ?, Grace Emily Astle Frank, Mildred "Millie" Renner Andrus, Alta Baxter Maughan Brenchley, Mildred Lavern Brown, ?, ?, ?
Back Row: ?, Durrell "Quig" Nielsen, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
Date: 1980
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 | 66th High School Class Reunion - 1996 1930 South Cache High School 66th Class Reunion
Photograph labeled with 21 names although only 20 are pictured:
Henry Howells
Zella Summers Howells
Alta Maughan Brenchley
Elden Mauchley
Beth Rock Anderson
Millie Andrus
Grace Astle Frank
Ellis Hansen
Beulah S. Balling
Durrell "Quig" Nielsen
Vern Petersen
Mildred Jorgensen
Gertrude Jensen
Roberta Campbell
Mae Israelsen McBride
Martha Gerber
LaVern M. Brown
Tilda Poulsen
Marr Bryson
Olive Hanson Chugg
Wanda Matthews Scholes
Date: 1996
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 | The William Tapscott The William Tapscott was built in 1852 by William Drommond at Bath, Maine. Francis and Felicia traveled on the Tapscott to America in 1860.
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 | A Sketch of the Life of Samuel Smith Hepworth Compiled in "1979" by his children
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 | Adolphus and Sarah Astle Call - Wedding
Owner of original: Marilyn Dahle
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 | Adolphus Call - Age 6
Date: 1885
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 | Aerial Ronald Frank
Owner of original: Connie Frank Fry
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 | Agnes
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 | Agnes
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 | Agnes
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 | Agnes (Astle) and Jess Cook
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 | Agnes (Astle) and Jess Cook Married 50 Years - 1981
Date: 1981
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 | Agnes and Doretta Astle Standing in front of their father's home in Providence, UT. About 1926
Date: 1926
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 | Agnes Astle
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 | Agnes Astle Cook - Obituary
Date: Nov 1990
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 | Agnes Lenora with unknown person Agnes is on the left
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 | Agnes with unknown person Agnes is on the right
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 | Agnes, Klea, and Elva Astle
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 | Alma and John Francis Astle
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 | Ann Steen Obituary Deseret News - Thursday May 27, 1971; Page 38
Date: 27 May 1971
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 | Anna and Hulda Hulda Carolina with her mother, Anna Cajsa Anderson Frank.
Photograph obtained from Gordon Frank of Cardston Canada.
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 | Anna Barbara Schiess and Children Back Row: Wilford, Lula, Babetta
Front Row: Lafern, Gilbert Haderlie
On front porch of home in Tin Cup
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 | Anna Cajsa
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 | Anna Cajsa
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 | Anna Cajsa Anderson Frank's Headstone Logan, Utah
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 | Anna Christine Mosell (left) with unknown woman "McEvoy Photo - Pocatello and Montpelier"
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 | Anna Elizabeth Zollinger Haderlie
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 | Anna Kursteiner and Johannes Schiess Family Anna Barbara Kursteiner Schiess, Bertha, Babetta, Jakob, John, Johannes Schiess
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 | Ardella Taken in Logan, UT
Photograph obtained from Gordon Frank of Cardston, Canada.
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 | Arnold and Alice Sunderland - Wedding
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 | Arstanie
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 | Arstanie
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 | Arstanie
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 | Arstanie
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 | Arstanie
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 | Arstanie - Age 85
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 | Arstanie and Clara Pearl 1963
Date: 1963
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 | Arstanie Astle Nye
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 | Arstanie Elvira Astle
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 | Arstanie Nye - 92nd Birthday Margarita Astle, Grace, Doretta, and Arstanie Nye
North Ogden, Utah
Date: Oct 1991
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 | Asbjørn Sverre
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 | Astle Cousin - 1949 Back Row: Jean Kendrick, Lola Carling, Thelma Astle, Charlene Frank, Lauretta Frank, Collene Frank, Yvonne Frank
Middle Row: Frances Astle, Donna Baer, Juanita Baer
Bottom Row: Eva Carling, Julia Kendrick, Linda Carling, Effie Frank
Date: 1949
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 | Astle Cousins Back Row: Ronald Hoskin, Dee Astle, Ray Carling, Blaine Carling, Elmo Astle, Darrell Carling, Scott Baer
Front Row: Wayne Hoskin, John Kendrick