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Unknown Hepworth Family - Oxford, Idaho
This is a photocopy we received with a copy of the following letter. Unfortunately, we do no know who wrote this letter either!
“I was given this photocopy by ward member Curtis Allen. His wife is from Oxford. He loves doing research and found this for me. I do not know for certain who the people are in this picture, but here is my educated guess based on information in the book "Family History of Joseph Hepworth and Mary Ann Green:" page 18 and 19.
"They (Joseph Hepworth and Mary Ann Green) arrived in New York Harbor on 20 September 1873 and they traveled by train across the plains to Ogden, Utah. Joseph's brother Edmund met them with a wagon and team and they traveled to Oxford, Idaho. The entire trip from England to Oxford. Joseph and Mary Ann with their two sons, Joseph Edmund and Thomas stayed in Idaho for about a year and a half. The next move was to Salt Lake City, Utah by train. "
I looked up Jospeh's brother, Edmund Hepworth KW64-KCG. In the memories section there are several written histories. I read from "Edmund Hepworth, information taken from a book "History of Edmund Hepworth" by Jay L. Hepworth.
"in the summer of 1864 they (Edmund and Hanna) moved to Oxford, Idaho. Hanna and Edmund were blessed 4 children while living in Oxford. They lived in Oxford 12 years."
So my guess is that the people in the picture are Edmund Hepworth, His wife Hanna, Children, Joseph Edmund KVP1-C32, William Henry KWCG-FH4, Hanna Eliza KWC5-N1Z and LaurettaKWCD-P4P.”>
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