1912 - 2003 (91 years)
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66th High School Class Reunion - 1996
1930 South Cache High School 66th Class Reunion
Photograph labeled with 21 names although only 20 are pictured:
Henry Howells
Zella Summers Howells
Alta Maughan Brenchley
Elden Mauchley
Beth Rock Anderson
Millie Andrus
Grace Astle Frank
Ellis Hansen
Beulah S. Balling
Durrell "Quig" Nielsen
Vern Petersen
Mildred Jorgensen
Gertrude Jensen
Roberta Campbell
Mae Israelsen McBride
Martha Gerber
LaVern M. Brown
Tilda Poulsen
Marr Bryson
Olive Hanson Chugg
Wanda Matthews Scholes
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