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Anna Elizabeth Zollinger Haderlie
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Anna Elizabeth Zollinger
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Anna (Annie) Elizabeth Zollinger Haderlie was born November 11, 1831, in the little town of Urdorf, Switzerland. She was the second of six children born to Johannes and Elizabetha Usteri Zollinger.
Her father, Johannes, was considered a well-to-do farmer. In her younger days, Anna helped on the farm. Fruits and vegetables were carried to market in baskets on their heads. Many times Anna walked several miles carrying a basket of produce on her head. Her mother was a silk weaver. Anna learned this trade and in her mature years, she spent most of her time weaving. This was necessary because doing other work would roughen her hands and make it difficult to handle silk. If there was any damage done on a piece of silk, they would receive no pay for it. The weaving was done for a large company in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. When Anna was to be married her family lamented as the money she earned would be used to buy and pay for more land. She was married to John Ulrich Haderlie on December 8, 1856. He lived in a nearby village and was not a Latter-day Saint at that time. They lived for a short time with his parents.
The Zollinger family heard of the Gospel through a girlfriend who worked for a Priest who lived across the street from their home. Her name was Mary Horlacher who later became the mother of Bishop John Adams of the Logan 5th Ward.
Anna received the Gospel very readily. She was very fond of the Bible and read it often, and hearing the Gospel made it clearer to her. Her parents were baptized sometime in September in the year 1861. Anna was baptized on November 20, 1861, at the age of thirty years. After having joined the Church, living at her husband's parents' home was very unpleasant for Anna, as they were not Mormons. So they soon went back and lived in part of her father's home. It was large enough for three families.
Anna still continued to weave, many times rocking the cradle with one hand while pushing the shuttle with the other. She was the mother of twelve children, four boys and eight girls. She was the mother of twin boys. They both died when they were babies or very small. One of them was burned badly on the arms and died a few hours later. They both died before Anna emigrated. If it had not been for her strong constitution, she could not have endured the trials and hardships she had to pass through.
When her eldest son was seven weeks old, she was very sick and nigh to death, but the Lord spared her life, and in later years she could see why.
Anna Elizabeth's Family - 1862 Click photo to see list of names
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In the year 1862, her parents sold all of their property and immigrated to Utah. She and her family intended to come, but her husband was not yet a Mormon, and he was refused permission to leave his native land. They remained in Switzerland four years longer. This was a great trial to her especially as it was a short time before her twins were born.
Her father gave her some of the money he received for his property. They bought a home with it but conditions were such that they could not pay the remainder and so lost everything.
John Ulrich Haderlie Family
Back: Rosalia, Charles Henry, Louisa
Front: John Ulrich, Ella Elizabeth, Anna Elizabeth
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In the year 1866, they left their native land with their three living children and came to Utah. They crossed the ocean in a sailing vessel, being six weeks on the water. She gave birth to a baby girl, Carolina, on the ship. They traveled from New York in a cattle car. On the way it tipped over and she fell on her baby, but it was not injured. They crossed the Missouri River on a ferry boat. When they landed on the west side of the river, whom should she meet but her brother, Jacob. He had been sent to bring immigrants to Utah. It was a great joy to both of them. Anna was sick most of the way. When they had traveled some distance the baby died. Brother Jacob Zollinger had a mess box in which the baby was placed and buried by the wayside. **
When they had traveled one hundred fifty miles farther or about two days drive out of Salt Lake City, another little girl, Anna, died at six years of age, and she was also buried by the wayside. This left two children of nine that had been born to her. Later, three more children, Emelia, Rosalia, and Ella, were born in Providence, Utah. Emelia died in Providence at the age of four years. **
She came across the plains in Captain Thomas E. Ricks Company. After arriving in Salt Lake City she came to Providence sometime in September of the same year (1866). She went through all the hardships of pioneering. She was very industrious and frugal. She spun wool for many yards of cloth.
At one time while herding sheep on the north bench, she found she was picking choke cherries from a bush while an Indian brave was on the other side. To be safe, she gathered her sheep in a hurry and went home with them. She was a great lover of flowers both indoors and out. She would gather sunflowers while crossing the plains. She spent many nights with the sick and visited the poor and gave them foods of different kinds. She was very reserved in her disposition and did not care for publicity.
She and her husband went through the Endowment House on the 24th October, 1870. She was at the dedication of the Logan Temple (1884). She also did a great deal of temple work for her dead ancestors. She walked to and from the temple many times until the latter part of her life when her health became too poor.
She said at one time as she was going through the temple for one of her ancestors, it seemed as though a bird was fluttering over her head. This was a testimony to her that the work she was doing was accepted by the person for whom she was officiating. She had a great faith in the power of prayer and in the administration of the Elders. When they had sickness in their home, the first thing she thought of was to call the Elders. She was a teacher in the Relief Society for many years. She came to Utah for the Gospel and never had a desire to return to her native land. Her advice to her children was to remain true to the Church to the very last. She remained a true and faithful Latter-day Saint until the end of her life which occurred on the 25th of October 1901, at the age of sixty-nine years, eleven months and fourteen days. She was survived by her husband, four children, forty grandchildren and a number of great-grandchildren. She was buried in the Providence, Utah Cemetery October 27, 1901.
Written primarily by her daughter Ella Haderlie Frank
** This life history has been modified from its original version because more accurate information has been obtained in relation to child birth order and death dates. The stated names and chronological order of births and deaths of Anna Elizabeth's children are believed to be accurate.
Deseret News, 16 Aug. 1866, p. 289
"First Immigration Train," Deseret News [Weekly], 30 Aug. 1866, 309.
Mormon Immigration Index CD-ROM