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John Ulrich Haderlie, son of Martin Haderlie and Anna Job, was born in Birmensdorf, Switzerland, December 31, 1833. He married Anna Elizabeth Zollinger, daughter of Johannes Zollinger and Elizabetha Usteri on December 8, 1856. He was baptized February 10, 1865 by John Cromer and endowed October 24, 1870 in the Salt Lake Endowment House.
John Ulrich Haderlie Family
Back: Rosalia, Charles Henry, Louisa
Front: John Ulrich, Ella Elizabeth, Anna Elizabeth
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He was the father of twelve children, four boys and eight girls. Eight of the children were born in Switzerland. By the time they left Switzerland, five of the children had died. One daughter, Carolina, was born on the Atlantic Ocean between England and New York but died on the plains, and another daughter, Anna, died and was buried on the plains just days before they got to Salt Lake City. Another daughter, Emelia, died at four years of age in Providence, Utah. Two more daughters, Rosalia and Ella, were born to them in Providence, Utah, and they with their sister, Louisa, and brother, Charles, grew to maturity. **
When in Switzerland, John tended a stationary engine in Zurich. He had a one-hour walk to and from work. His health was not good, but he refused to go to a doctor. So, his wife went to the doctor and got some medicine. After taking it and not feeling better, he had to give in and go himself.
When the Zollinger family immigrated, John could not leave because he was not yet a Latter-day Saint, much to his wife's sadness. Anna's father gave them money to buy a home, but they lost it, and they couldn't immigrate to the United States until 1866.
They spent six weeks on the ocean. John became very hungry, and since he was a lover of soup, he decided to make some. The soup was very good, but when he got to the bottom of the kettle, he found a dish rag.
After landing in the United States, they traveled in a cattle car as far as the Missouri River. The car tipped over but luckily no one was injured. When they arrived at the Missouri River to their surprise and joy, Anna's brother, Jacob Zollinger, was there to bring them to Providence, Utah. John was a large and strong man with black piercing eyes. When he got angry, you had better look out. He was good to his children at all times. His son, Henry, was small for his age, and when he was seventeen, he thought he was too small to work.
In the early days to make a living, John went to work in Butte, Montana. Sometimes Indians would come to the house and demand things. Anna would go out and call John, and then the Indians would go away. John took up carpentry and built many houses and barns for people. He also made coffins. Some were covered with black velvet and some with bleached velvet.
When they built the meeting house in Providence, Utah, John would pull a wheel barrow filled with rock, with another man pushing, up the scaffold to the square. The whole chapel was made of rock, and John worked many days on it.
Haderlie - Four Generations
John Ulrich Haderlie - Age 78
Chalres Henry Haderlie - Age 53
David A. Haderlie - Age 26
David W. Haderlie - Age 3
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John owned two farms. One of the farms is now owned by Von Baer, a grandson. The other is owned by Austin Frank who is also a grandson. John and Anna raised small fruit and took it to Logan to private parties. He took the fruit in a wagon drawn by a team of horses. They were very ambitious and frugal. Anna's health was very poor through the years.
John was the only one of his family to join the church. He would get letters from his sister in Switzerland asking him for money. He died August 17, 1922 in Providence, Utah. Anna preceded him in death also in Providence, October 25, 1901. Ella and her husband Louis Frank and family moved to Providence to care for him in his old age. He was buried 20 August 1922 in the Providence, Cache County, Utah Cemetery.
Written primarily by his daughter Ella Haderlie Frank at approximately 75 years of age (approx. 1946)
** This life history has been modified from its original version because more accurate information has been obtained in relation to child birth order and death dates. The stated names and chronological order of births and deaths of John Ulrich's children are believed to be accurate.
Deseret News, 16 Aug. 1866, p. 289
"First Immigration Train," Deseret News [Weekly], 30 Aug. 1866, 309.
Mormon Immigration Index CD-ROM