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Journal from the 1st Mission of John Francis Astle Louisiana - May to July of 1896 Transcribed by Charlotte Astle
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May 10 1896 - 8 miles North of Covington - Sunday morning, a fine day a short time after going to bed last night we was aroused by live stock that was trying to carry us off. We lay there for some time killing them as they ran across my face and it kept me busy. At last Elder Moore got up as we could not stand it any longer. We lay down to it, he struck a match the bed was literal covered with bed bugs. I never seen the like in my life. There was hundreds of them, We got up took the quilt off the bed spread on the floor and lay down without any covers and only one quilt under us. I put my pants and socks on. I did not sleep much as I never got rid of all the bugs. Got up at 5 oclock, shaved, cleaned up, had breakfast, set around and talked till 10:30. We went to attend a Methodist meeting one of their Leading elders was there, he was a quite a speaker although he did not preach in accordance to our belief, also witnessed them Crison (Christen) a baby. The elders read a prayer then sprinkled it and placed his wet hand on it. Then read another prayer and we went home with Mr. Nathan Whiting took dinner, our meeting began at 3:30 p.m. Elder Moore presided opening exercises. I spoke 1 one hour and five minutes on the Kingdom of God. Elder Moore spoke a few minutes, closed. We had a large crowd and they kept very quiet. At the close of the meeting, spoke of holding meeting again the near future, got commitment to hold meetings. Went home with Mr. Nathan Whiting., had supper we talk on the gospel, retire at 9 oclock.
May 11 '96 - A good nights rest last night, did not have any bed bugs, arose took breakfast and was treated well by Mr. Whiting, and biding them good by with an invitation to call again. Started east for the Sun P.O. a distance of 18 miles, crossed little Rogue Falls, went up the Colombi Road conversing as we went. The people was a long way apart, about 1 oclock called on Mr. Strathman, he invited us to dinner also to spend the day and night we excepted. I talked on the gospel, wrote a letter to R. T. Astle, had supper, a talk about our country, at 9:30 I began to write a letter to my wife. Went to bed at 11:30. Treated well. V2 W7 D1
May 12 '96 - Three miles North West of Talisheek PO - After a good nights rest arose at 5:30 had breakfast with Mr. Strathman, biding them good by asked to call again, continue toward the Sun P.O. Crossed the Bouge Chitto River , conversing as we went, arrived at one P.M. But was disappointed as I did not get any mail and the last letter form my wife was dated Apr. 12. Went South, conversed, Called on Mr. A. B. Jinkins, was asked to stay all night, excepted, treated well, had supper, a short talk on the gospel, sang some, went to bed at 9:00 p.m. 12mi D12
May 13 '96 - Sun PO - A good nights rest, got up feeling well had breakfast, biding Mr. Jinkins good by with invitation to call again. Went to Mr. Pierce had a long talk on the gospel, from there to Mr. Osker Mitchell a talk on the gospel, had dinner, went on our way West along the line conversed.. Left our washing with a Darky, invited to stay with Mr. E.E. Jenkins, had supper, a talk on the gospel, retired 15 minutes to 10. Also got word that Frank Rackin came down on 27 of Apr. 9F W5 mi. D10
May 14 '96 - Rested well and got up well, breakfast, shaved treated well, asked to call again, biding them good by went our way conversed a few, went to the P.O. got a letter from my wife all very well, the people of Grover had a surprise on her, she got a set of Glass dishes, it was on the 29 of April. also a letter form Mrs. Alvin McCombs all well. Went to Mr. S. L. Jinkins, made arrangements to hold meeting at his place on Sunday the 17of May, had dinner and continued our labors, West to the Bogue Chitto River, then up the river along the Franklin road, called on Mr. Emyle Talley, he invited us to say all night we accepted , a short talk on the gospel, supper, talked about our country, retired at 9 p.m. W7 FV7 revisited 1 Ref.1 D6.
May 15 '96 - Sun PO - Got up this morning feeling well, had breakfast, spoke of holding meeting Mr. Talley said he would be pleased to hear us, said he was willing for us to hold a meeting in their church if the rest of the interested parities are, so we took it in hand to see all the parties. Got to Mr. Jno Talley, he was not willing, said the preacher had charge of the Church. Invited us to stay for dinner, we did so. We talked a little on the gospel, he said he was satisfied with what he had. Visited all the Families on North of Bogue Chitto River, crossed on the south side of River, called on Mr. W.F.Depriest, had supper, a short talk on the gospel, also about our country, went to bed at 9 p.m. W8 F6 D4 Rev1 Ref1
May the 16 '96 - South of the Bogue Chitto Bridge one mile A good nights rest, got up well, had breakfast an long talk on the gospel, biding them good by with invitation to call again. Visited Mr. Crawford, a gospel conversation, he had us lead prayer before leaving, asked to call again, from there crossed the River got our washing cost 20¢ each, changed clothes and left them to get washed, went to the creek, had a bath, set out in the woods and read some in Old Testament, continued was going by Mr. Henry Mizell's was invited in, a pleasant conversation on our country, supper, a long talk on the gospel treated well. W6 Fw1 Re1 D2 gospel convers3
May 17 '96 - Sunday Morning at Sun PO - Got up this morning feeling well as it is fast day for the elders we did not eat breakfast, spent the morning in talking and I read some from Church History, had dinner after or about 2 oclock. We went to Mr. S.L. Jenkins to fill appointment, Meeting began at 3:15 myself presiding with exercises, Elder Moore spoke on or gave the people a general outline of the gospel. Spoke 45 minutes a little time left I spoke one half hour on apostasy and restoration of the Gospel. We had a large crowd, filled the house and two galerays. We had a pleasant time the spirit of the Lord was with us. The people seemed some what interested, gave 18 tracts away and went home with Mr. Henry Mizell. Had two other invitations to go home, But Mrs. Henry Mizell was the first and we excepted, had supper, a pleasant conversation, went to bed at 8:30.
May 18 '96 - Monday - Got up well, had breakfast, wrote a letter to Prest. Swenson, left a VofW with Mizell and biding them good by with invitation to call again at any time., asked to send word when we was coming again as Mr. Mizell said he would arrange for a meeting. Ordered our mail forwarded to Pearl River as we are thinking of going on Honey Island went and got our washing cost 15¢, crossed Bogue Chitto River, wrote letter to my wife, also to elder Jones in Scott Co, went down the river, called and got entertainment with Mr. Erben Cooper, though he was not very friendly, said he did not take any stock in our preaching, said our doctrine was a curse in the county. Had supper, a talk on our country, retired at 9p.m. W9 V3 D2
May 19 '96 - Thomas PO - Had a good nights rest, had a shave, breakfast, read from New Testament. Biding Mrs. Cooper good by, Mr. Cooper sliped (slipped) of in the field and never said a word. Thanking them went our way. After visiting a few families, and asked to call at Mr. Crawford's, reached the Thomas P.O., P.O. letters, stayed there talking, 12 oclock came, asked to dinner, a very good one, a short talk on the gospel, thanking Mr. Thomas went our way. Treated well all the way. They was quite friendly, the day was very hot, after Mr. Carpenter asked us to stay all night we excepted, supper, a talk on the gospel, which mad 5 conversations on gospel. V11F W4mi D12 T
May 20 '96 - Rested well last night, got up well, breakfast, got the names of the people down to Violin P.O. was treated well, asked to call again, bid Mr. Carpenter good by, continued our canvas, Mrs. Hyten asked us to stay for dinner. We consented, a long, talk on the gospel, asked to call again, biding her good by, went our way, visited several Grantham's, Mr. Sam Grantham was in the field, asked us to call again. Finished conversing in this settlement and went South, down the River the people seemed to be willing for us to hold meetings in their meeting house, but there is a meeting their next Sunday so we put ours of for some time in the future, received entertainment with Mr. Dave Richardson, had supper, a short talk on the gospel, also on our country, was treated kindly all day. A fine day although threatened rain. W7 V11 F D11 Rev1 GC4
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