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Funeral Services for John Francis Astle November 9, 1951 - Providence, Utah
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Bishop Eugene Yeates presided and conducted.
Remark by Bishop Yeates:
My Brothers and Sisters and friends - we have assembled today to pay tribute to John F. Astle. It is gratifying to me, as a bishop, to see so many people here.
Brother Astle was born 82 years ago in Montpelier, Idaho. He was a pioneer of that country and also of Star Valley country. He married Lauretta Hepworth, September 9, 1891. She bore him 13 children. She died December 24, 1918. On March 30, 1927, he married Clara Steen, his present wife, who survives him, and six daughters and one son, David; also two foster sons and one foster daughter, children of Sister Clara.
The following program has been arranged by the family and will be carried out as follows:
Vocal Duet: | "Jesus Lover of My Soul" - Elizabeth Thorpe & Pearl Rice |
Prayer: | Bishop Preston Alder |
1st Speaker: | Bishop Leon Alder |
Vocal Solo: | "In the Garden" - Luella Jensen |
2nd Speaker: | Brother William Zollinger |
Vocal Solo: | "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go, Dear Lord" - John Spuhler |
3rd Speaker: | Brother George Dutson |
Remarks: | Bishop Eugene Yeates |
Vocal Duet: | "Oh My Father" - Elizabeth Thorpe & Pearl Rice |
Prayer: | President George A. Raymond |
Prayer in the home was offered by Bishop Newell Cahoon of the Logan Fourth Ward.
Vocal Duet - "Jesus Lover of My Soul" - Elizabeth Thorpe & Pearl Rice:
Jesus, lover of my soul, let me to thy bosom fly;
While the nearer waters roll, while the tempest still is high;
Hide me, O my Savior, hid, till the storm of life is past;
Safe into the haven guide, oh, receive my soul at last.
Other refuge have I none, hangs my helpless soul on thee;
Leave, oh, leave me not alone, still support and comfort me;
All my trust on thee is stayed; all my help from thee I bring;
Cover my defenseless head, with the shadow of thy wing;
Thou, O Christ, art all I want; more than all in Thee I find;
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, heal the sick, and lead the blind.
Just and holy is Thy name, I am all unrighteousness;
Vile and full of sin I am, Thou art full of truth and grace.
Opening Prayer - Bishop Preston Alder:
Our Heavenly Father: We have met here this beautiful afternoon to pay tribute to one of Thy noble servants who has departed this life, Brother John Astle. Our Father, we know that Thou knowest the integrity, the faith and the devotion of this fine man. Thou knowest that he has spent many years in Thy service as a great missionary, carrying a message of truth to the people of the world and also to the members of Thy church. We know that Thou knowest of the great many contributions he has made in a financial way in the building up of Thy kingdom - of the many things that he has done to bring comfort and joy and beauty to the souls of men.
Heavenly Father, we appreciate the great services which we, as Thy children, participate in. We humbly pray, on this occasion, that Thy Spirit may be in attendance with us; that it may lead and direct the minds of those who may speak, and the testimony of his life that they reveal unto us, and strengthen our own testimony.
Heavenly Father, we know that Thou knowest in this man there was no guile - that he has been a true and faithful servant and raised a large family and taught them the principles and the truths and that these truths have been taught, in turn, to his grandchildren, of which he has many, and they are a great credit to him and to the people of this great church and this great nation.
Heavenly Father, we pray that Thou will bless those who are rendering music, that they may be able to do so in a pleasing way. Help us, at all times, that we may appreciate these many beautiful numbers that they have to offer us. We pray that Thou will bless those who mourn at this time, especially Sister Astle, who has been a devoted wife in the declining years of this, Thy servant. Cheer and comfort her and bless her with health and strength, that her years may be full of joy and happiness. And bless the children and grandchildren, that they may have the desire to continue on in the beautiful teachings of their father and grandfather. Bless all whom we should pray for at this time. We thank Thee for the life of this man and for the things that he has done for our country, and we do it in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Speaker - Bishop Leon Alder:
My dear Brothers and Sisters - I assure you that I feel my weakness very keenly, in standing before you this afternoon. I will try to fill the position that was asked of me by Brother David Astle, on behalf of the family, that I might say a few words on this occasion. I sincerely hope, my Brothers and Sisters, that the prayer that has been offered, will be answered in my behalf, that I may be able to call to mind the thoughts that have entered my mind since hearing of the illness and passing of our friend here in Providence, Brother John Astle.
It has been my pleasure to be acquainted with Brother Astle and his good family since they moved into our community and our ward. My father and Brother Astle were great friends. They had a good many things in common, but the greatest and best thing to them was the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they worked together on a good many committees and served as Home Missionaries together here for a number of years, in the Logan Stake. They visited together very often in the declining years of my father and mother and we appreciated it very much. I remember the time when they moved into our community and took their place here. They bought the George Hansen property in the other end of town, and Brother Astle became interested in raising foxes for fur and also in poultry raising and taking care of a small farm. He soon became acquainted here and was willing to work in all capacities. We soon found he was a church-goer and a church-lover; He was not afraid to stick up for anything that was good. Of course, a man of that caliber will surely be thought a great deal of in a community.
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